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TomatoFree Revamp Ready For The New Products!

Over the next week, we will be overhauling the website in readiness for the new products (Ally’s No Tomato Sauce, Ally’s TomatoFree Ketchup and Yazz’s Sweet-Chilli-Tastic relish).   You will still be able to find everything that is currently available on the site (such as the free printables in the downloads section, and the information on food allergy etc.), but we will have a nice shiny new front page, some excellent photos of our sauces, more wonderful recipe ideas including home-made tomato free pizza, a spicy chicken dansak, and gorgeous sticky BBQ spare ribs just in time for BBQ season (all with photos!), and best of all, we will be upgrading the online shop where you can get your hands on our great tasting tomato alternatives. We are also looking into an alternative (and less expensive) courier to help bring the cost of delivery down for our online customers!

Please bare with us whilst we make these changes, and thanks for your patience!  We know people are waiting for the new ketchup to be released (it tastes SO good!) – sorry for the delays…  won’t be long now!  🙂

– The TomatoFree Team.

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Food Diary

For those people who are unsure whether they even have a food intolerance or allergy, but suffer from symptoms that could be linked to a reaction to food, it is usually a good idea to keep a strict food diary.  Make a record of everything you eat and drink for two weeks, and make notes as to when you have any symptoms.  Once armed with this information, it should be much easier to identify which foods may be causing a problem. We have a blank two-week food diary that you can download (for free) and print. Fill it in over two weeks with as much detail as possible – even include the brand names of the foods you eat (as ingredients can be very different between brands of similar products). Once you have that information to hand (you may have even identified a trigger food that is causing you problems at this stage), then make your appointment to see your dietician or doctor.  They will then be able to advise on the best course of action for you. Always consult your Doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Download the template now, or visit our Downloads section for more freebies!

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No-Tomato Ketchup

We have some exciting news on the No-Tomato Ketchup front.  We are anticipating a product launch for the end of next month!  Currently the recipe has been finalised (and tastes great!) and bottle selection/design is under way.  Pre-orders will be accepted from the 15th of Feb.

We hope you like it as much as we do!

Once the No-Tomato Ketchup is released, we will be running a little competition for the next Tomato-Free product.  A few ideas so far are: Curry Sauce, BBQ Sauce, No-Tomato Soup, Spicy Salsa.  If you have a great idea for a Tomato-Free product, let us know!

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Tomatoes and Eczema

I have been hearing a lot about tomatoes and all the nightshade family of vegetables aggravating the symptoms of Eczema. Anyone who suffers with Eczema will know just how debilitating it can be and will be keen to try out different ways to alleviate the symptoms. It might be worth trying a diet without any nightshades (that includes Tomatoes) for four weeks to see if it helps (but always consult your doctor or nutritionist first). I’m not suggesting it will work for everyone, but the benefits of a nightshade free diet has certainly worked wonders for some, including some high profile and well known “foodies” such as Masterchef judge John Torode (article from the Daily Mail), and Craig Sams (co-founder of Green & Blacks chocolates – article from the Guardian).

I’ll have a hunt around and dig up as much info I can on the subject and add it to the resources section. If you know of any related sites, please let me know 🙂  Thanks!

Visit for more information on eczema.

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Coming Soon!

I’m TOTALLY stoked about this latest development.  We will soon have our own tomato-free ketchup!  …and I have to tell you, it is the best tasting ketchup I have ever tried!  It has such a nice authentic ketchup flavour yet it has absolutely no toms whatsoever.   I’m SO excited!!!  I’m going to have to have a BBQ, invite the family and friends over to try it out…  see how many of them notice they are eating something other than regular ketchup 😉

…hang on, a BBQ?  In this weather?  YES INDEEDY! 😀  Hot-dogs and burgers with tomato-free ketchup!  There goes my diet! Lol.

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No Tomato Sauce Lasagne

Love lasagna but can’t eat it because of all the tomatoes?
Now you can enjoy your favourite pasta dish tomato free!
Here is a fantastic no tomato sauce lasagna recipe.


500g very lean minced beef
1/2 cup beef stock
3 large onions
350g wide lasagna pasta
2 cups bechemal sauce (white/lasagne sauce – one of the large family sized jars from the supermarket is fine)
250g grated mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 200 degrees c.
Part cook the pasta sheets in a large pot of boiling water until just tender. Drain Well.

While pasta is cooking, finely chop the onions and brown the onions and minced beef in a nonstick frying pan.
In a large bowl, add browned beef, onions and stock. Mix well.  As a super-tasty optional extra, add in a jar of Ally’s No Tomato Sauce to the mix.


Spread about half of the white sauce on the bottom of 9×13 inch baking pan.
Add 3 strips of lasagna pasta.
Spread half the beef mixture on top.
Lay 3 strips of lasagna pasta.
Spread the remaining beef mixture on top.
Add 3 strips of lasagna noodles.
Spread the very top with remaining white sauce.
Sprinkle the top with the grated mozzarella cheese.
Bake for 25-35 minutes until bubbly and golden brown on top.
Serves 6

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Tomato Intolerance Symptoms

Here is a list of symptoms that can be caused by Tomato Intolerance (updated):

Mouth ulcers, nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, intestinal contractions, diarrhoea, flushing of the skin, palpitations, headache, urticaria (hives), and in extreme cases where there is a build up of histamine resulting in a pseudo allergic reaction, even difficulty breathing (in which case, you should seek immediate medical attention).

Note:  The above symptoms should not be confused with tomato allergy symptoms.  A full allergy is where Imuno-Glubulin ‘E’ in the immune system causes a reaction to the trigger histamine and can be life threatening, so if you have an immediate allergic reaction to tomatoes (swelling, itching, difficulty breathing etc.) then you should seek medical advice.

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Funny Song

This song just about sums it up for me!  Even the bit bit about loving spaghetti sauce and tomato soup (love them, just can’t eat them 🙁 ).  Found this on youtube and just had to share it with my fellow intolerance and allergy sufferers. Enjoy 😀

I’ll post up any vids you think should be here (especially intolerance or allergy related ones), so send me the links and I will get it done.  I am thinking about putting together a page just for the videos which will be an excellent resource of information for allergy or intolerance sufferers and the medical profession alike.