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Some lovely feedback

I received an e-mail on Thursday from one of our new customers and I just had to share it with you:

“Thank you so much for this sauce!! It has totally changed my diet and I can finally have all the food I’ve missed out on since being diagnosed with a tomato allergy. I’m a coeliac as well so whilst I could still get gluten free pizza bases – I had no sauce to go on top until now. Please don’t ever stop making this. I’m a lifelong customer!!”

Thank you SO much for the kind words Emily!  It’s really great to hear feedback like this, and great to know we are making a positive impact for tomato allergy sufferers.

In fact, it got me thinking I should probably put together a page just for all the great feedback we keep getting!  Please head on over to our testimonials section when it is done to take a look. Thanks!

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Tomato Free Ketchup is here!!!

Picture of tomato free ketchup


At last! The Tomato Free Ketchup is now available!  We use this fantastic tasting ketchup almost on a daily basis and the kids love it! We have been planning to get it on the website for many months now, but we just keep eating all the stock! Lol.  Seriously though, we are VERY proud to announce Ally’s Tomato-Free Ketchup is now available to order.  It is made from our great tasting Ally’s No Tomato Sauce, and has a truly authentic classic ketchup taste we know you will love.

Visit the online shop to order yours now!


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Boy oh boy it has been SO cold these last few days.  My car had -7 on the dash this morning.  Brrrrr.  I think tonight I might warm up with a nice hot Chili-con-carne (made with our awesome alternative to Tomatoes of course!) with garlic bread dunkers.  Yummy!

I have been doing really well with avoiding the tomatoes lately.  It has been AGES since I last had any pains.  In fact, the last time was several months ago when I thought I would do a test with an Organic tomato to see whether it would have the same effect on me.  I ate just one quarter of a small fresh organic tomato – Big mistake!  Huge!  It’s difficult to describe the pain, but (at the risk of getting beaten up by wife – hehe) I can only image it to be something akin to childbirth. It is THAT bad!  Suffice to say, I will NOT be doing any more re-introduction tests like that again.  Whether organic or not!

With the weather being this cold, wouldn’t it be great if we had a white Christmas this year!



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Chrimbo is nearly here!

Wowsers, this year has FLOWN by hasn’t it?!   I didn’t even manage to get to see the switching on of the Rayleigh Christmas lights this year *sob* – Had to work late.  Did any of you get to see the switching on?

I’d like to send fondest Christmas Wishes to all our family, friends, and customers and visitors of!

Talking of Tomato Free: We had a fantastic mixed bean tomato free sauce pasta last night. It was Yummy!  Really simple to make too. Just boil your favorite pasta shapes until just cooked, whilst sautéing mixed beans in a pan (we had kidney beans and chick-peas) – add some stock and a jar of Ally’s Tomato Free sauce, mix it all together and heat through.  A little seasoning and you’re done. It was great!

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Happy Easter!

Wishing all our customers a very happy Easter weekend.  Don’t eat too much chocolate! It’s good to see the sun coming back out.  Maybe it’ll be good enough for a Barbecue (with lashings of Yazz’s Sweet-Chilli-Tastic YUMMY!).

Have a good one!

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A cracking start!

We are off to a cracking start for 2012!  With January being a record month for online sales, and February promising to be the same 😀

We hope to soon bring you some fabulous new Tomato Free recipes and more great allergy advice and freebies.

But for now, here is a little joke that I heard on the radio the other day and it give me a little chuckle:

What is red and invisible?     – No Tomatoes!

Hehehe… Anyway, if you are looking for the red stuff, go get some!

Visit the online shop now to get the Tomato Free Sauces

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New Host

Hi All.  It has been a busy week, and due to the high number of hits we have been receiving, we have had to move the TomatoFree website to a new host today.  Sorry for any disruption during this process, but everything should now be back to normal.

I will be giving the site a good workout tonight to make sure everything is working as it should, but if you spot anything out of place, or have any problems with the site then please let me know (as I may need to get a few settings tweaked).

We can now handle lots more visitors!  Yay!

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New Cheaper Courier!

We are very pleased to announce a new, less expensive, delivery charge on all of our 4 jar packs of tomato replacement, and Yazz’s Sweet-Chilli-Tastic relish.  Previously you were charged £8.22 (the old Royal Mail First Class rate) for delivery.  However, since they increased their fees to £8.90, we simply couldn’t pass that increase on to our customers as we already felt £8.22 to be excessive.  Therefore, we are very happy to say that we have negotiated and secured a new courier company to handle all the packs of 4, giving a saving to our customers of £2.22 per box of 4!  This is great news for our new and regular customers alike.

We have had some excellent feedback on their service, but we want to make sure we are giving the very best possible service to you, and we can only do that with your feedback.  Any orders on 4 or more jars will be dispatched with our new courier, and we would really appreciate it if you could let us know how they perform. Please leave a comment with your experience (good or bad).  Thank you!

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Our New Relish Now Available!

Yazz’s Sweet-Chilli-Tastic Relish is now available from the Online Shop. This sinfully sweet red pepper and Sweet-Chilli-Tasticonion relish has a kick of chilli and mango that makes it the perfect accompaniment for that summer BBQ.  It is also a real treat for a night in in front of the TV, served warm with a big bag of tortilla chips to dunk!  Awsome with cheese, and with whatever takes your fancy!

What people are saying about it:

Whenever we open a jar,  it rarely lasts more than two days – as we just can’t stop eating it, especially with cheese and biscuits!
Fantastic in burgers and hot dogs and as a side relish to any barbecue meat! The only reason I wouldn’t recommend it is – because I want it all to myself!!!
It’s absolutely delicious!

Regina & Ken – “….chilli- tastic” addicts

Let us know what you think of it too!