I have yet to find a similar product available in the UK. And trust me, I have searched! Being unable to eat tomatoes without getting ill means I am always looking for tomato alternatives. There is one product that crops up quite a lot if you do a search on the internet for “tomato free“, but it is an American product which I have not been able to find in the UK, and any mail-order sites I have found with it say that it is no longer available! I wonder what happened to them 🙁
If you know of a product on the shelves in the UK that is like “Ally’s No Tomato Sauce”, then please PLEASE let me know. Because I want to TRY IT! (although I bet it is not as good) hehe…
Likewise, if I find any products that will make our (tomato intolerance sufferers) lives better, rest assured I will tell you about it here 😀